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Terra Insights joins Orica, expanding digital solutions platform

Dec 20, 2023

We have some exciting news to share. We are proud to announce that Terra Insights will join Orica in 2024 to expand their digital solutions platform.
Who is Orica 

Orica is a world-leading mining and infrastructure solutions provider, based in Australia. From the production and supply of explosives, blasting systems, mining chemicals and geotechnical monitoring to our cutting-edge digital solutions and comprehensive range of services, Orica sustainably mobilizes the earth’s resources. Orica’s portfolio serves a wide range markets and operations.  

Who is GroundProbe 

GroundProbe, a member of the Orica Group, is a global technology leader specializing in real-time solutions for measuring and monitoring geohazards. 

Why Terra Insights 

Terra Insights is an end-to-end sensors and data delivery technology platform for geotechnical, structural and geospatial monitoring of assets in mining and infrastructure. By joining Orica, Terra Insights builds on the success of GroundProbe and establishes a global leading geotechnical and structural monitoring business. It also creates a compelling growth opportunity by leveraging combined global network and capabilities. Finally, Terra Insights accelerates growth in Orica Digital Solutions—which already represents an impressive set of monitoring technologies. 

From Mark Price, CEO of Terra Insights 

“We are excited to partner with Orica for Terra Insights’ next chapter of growth,” said Mark Price, CEO of Terra Insights. “Given our strong working relationship with Orica for nearly a decade, this combination is a great next step in the evolution of our end-to-end sensor and data delivery platform through working closely with Orica’s Digital Solutions and GroundProbe businesses. This is a level of collaboration that is global-minded and future-focused. Importantly, this transaction meaningfully enhances the solutions we can collectively provide to our valued customers and expand geography across the mining and critical infrastructure markets.”  

Read more 

Read the press release