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Construction sites

Vibration monitoring is generally performed during the work in progress at a specific construction site. All the human made activities, such as pile driving, demolition, excavation, jack hammers, etc…will generate vibrations that may have some impact on the surrounding structures and will temporarily disrupt the human comfort in the living area.

The vibration monitoring is typically put in place at the beginning of the construction and will last until the work is achieved. Normally, several location surrounding the construction sites will be equipped with vibration monitoring devices.

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The main requirements are:

A classic vibration survey related to construction site monitoring includes:

  • Vibration monitoring usually performed with a motion recorder with an embedded triaxial velocity sensor using geophone cells and an embedded 4G modem for remote data acquisition in near real-time. The full range is normally ±100 mm/s (±4 in/s). The measuring modes should include an event based time history recording for dynamic signal analysis and a continous background recording for quick evaluation of the vibrations levels over a long period of time.
  • Cloud software for automated data processing with signals visualisation, notifications in case of vibration level exceedance and automated reporting. The real-time permanent vibration monitoring is a must have during the whole construction work period.

The most important regulations about construction site monitoring are (non exhaustive list):

  • DIN 4150-3 for structural monitoring (Germany)
  • DIN 4150-2 for human comfort (Germany)
  • SN 640312a – VSS 40 312 (Switzerland)
  • ÖNORN S 9020 (Austria)
  • NP 2074 (Portugal)
  • IN 1226 SNCF (France)
  • Circulaire de 1986 and arrêté de 1994 (France)
  • BS 5228 and BS 7385-2 (UK)
  • RI 8507 and OSMRE (USA)
  • UNE 22-381 (Spain)
  • AS 2187-2 (Australia)
  • PN-B-02170 (Poland)
  • Torontow Bylaw 514-2008 (Canada)
  • SBR-A (Netherland)

Syscom offers dedicated instruments for this type of monitoring, such as ROCK devices when a long autonomy and a cable free installation are required or MR3003 devices when best versatility and accuracy are required.


Vibration monitoring at Zürich train station
Case study
Residential housing monitoring with SCS
Case study
Embankment pile driving of SNCF tracks
Case study
Clouage talus de voies SNCF
Étude de cas

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SYSCOM ROCK is a compact vibration monitoring device, embedded with extra long autonomy feature, therefore operable in a cable-free manner.

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